First topic message reminder :I have had a bunch of people PM or ask me lately , What is the best way to ship fish? I love that question b/c that means more people are trying to reach out to one another and trade fish , ect. AMAZING! That's part of why I created USA Fishbox....was bored with local people
1st off this is all opinion. IMO the BEST way is Southwest Air Cargo. It's easy to get an account ...just have to be patience. Here is the link to get started with SW Cargo.
If you do not have that option IMO the other best way is Fedex Air or ground depending on shipping location.
Some tools you will need to ship.
box (styrofoam is the best to keep the temp level around the same)
Bags (I prefer Kordone breather bags but not a must)
Heat packs (depending on time of year)
rubber bands ( for bags)
And sometimes I use newspaper or poppy paper for some extra padding.
SO THIS IS HOW I DO IT....Just so everyone knows. If Im not beggin Jojo or somone to Air cargo for me...
I Know that the Fedex man comes to the store and gets the cargo around 5PM. So I will wait until about 3-4PM to bag stuff up and head down there...that way fish are in the bag as least mount as time as possable. I get my tools that I need (listed above) I use about 1/4 maybe water 3/4 air. Usually a tad more then 1/4 water. I make sure that the fish can swim if the bag goes side ways or up side down. Make sure the bags are not being squuzed or squished. Don't want them to pop or loose air, however you dont want them to be to loose either and banging around. Box everything up and take it down there fill out a forum and ship it out!!! simple
A few things that u must know.
Your styrfoam box must be in a normal box, They will not ship out just the styrafoam box.
DO NOT, DO NOT put males in the same bag...or males and females in the same bag. Bag them seperate.
Double bag if you can!
Me personally I don't want an account with them so I never tell them what Im shipping , If they ask I tell them aquatic Plants. (they wont let u ship live fish w/o an account)
I just threw this up pretty qucik. I am sure I might have missed something so If I did , Please fill me in.
Just a few years ago I thought about shipping some fish and I had no clue how to go about doing it. I learnd from expermenting and practice shipping to friends. Others have practiced by shipping to me and just trying it out.
Like most things in life ...VERY SIMPLE just takes getting use to and doing it a few times.
Hope this helps for those that Have asked.
If you have any questions call me anytime 817 673 0028