- jessecichlidguy wrote:
im having trouble putting fish in the tanks that fit there size for breeding so let me know how you would set this up
here is my stock list
10g tanks= 12
20g tanks= 6
25g tanks= 2
30g tanks= 4
37g tall= 1
40g tanks= 1
60g tanks= 5
120g divided=
Pelvichromis pulcher(Kribensis)...1m1f
20GRed Jewels...1m1f
20GDaffodil Brichardi's... 3 pairs
20GBlue socolofi... 2m1f
30G ADD more Females*Metriaclima estherae (Red Zebra cichlid)
37Tall*Electric Yellow Labs (Labidochromis Caeruleus)
30G*Kenyi (Pseudotropheus lombardoi)
30G*Powder blue cobue
30G Future Breeders:
Blue ventralis (sex unknow)
unsplit the 120G and give it to them. add more females.Electric Blue Rams (sex unknown)
*Apitogramma Cacatuoides 1m/1f
20G*juliachromis maleri 1m/1f
20G Grow Outs
(almost ready 4 sale)
Pelvichromis pulcher(Kribensis)...D.O.B august 12 2010
Red Jewels... D.O.B august 18 2010
Blue socolofi
Pelvichromis pulcher(Kribensis)...
Red Jewels...
Blue socolofi...
Daffodil Brichardi's...
Ready 4 sale
Blue Socolofi... 1-2" sex unknow 6 total************************* $6.00ea
Red Jewels... 1/2 - 1" sex unknown 30 total********************** $3.00ea
Pelvichromis pulcher(Kribensis)...1/2 - 1" sex unknown 25 total******* $5.00ea
Ruby reds
30-40G 2M 10femalesxmas fulu
30-40G 2M 10femalesmoorii blue dolphins
<--Need a nice sized tank. Talk to jackd and Ferncockatoo dwarf
????colony of fronts
<-- Need a 150G or bigger.On a side noteputt all fry / juvies / grow outs in your smaller tanks. I would re arrange your tanks and try to do all the same. For example. 10G, 20G long, 40G breeders , 120G, That way you can have more tanks, looks more organized , which = more space and more fish ;0)
Just take a dddeeeeeep thought about what you are really wanting to accomplish and then do it. Get the fish you wan't and make sure you do the research. DON'T just start adding fish b/c they are being sold as breeders and you think , Oh cr@p I can get some fry outta of this. Research what you want and buy large groups that way spawning occurs frequenlty and offten. If you lose a male or a few females no big deal you still have plenty. If you have trios and pairs, stuff can happen at any time. Also when it's breeding time stuff gets a litte hot, fish stress, fish die ect ect. You just never can pre dict what is going to happen. Always better to have a large group of a species. Finally, which you already know but I must say. NO mixing species that are similiar. For example. Victorians, Mbuna , Peacocks. = Hybrids , Which =
I would start looking for bigger tanks also. Once you get organzied you will see how much more you can have. 2 years ago I was doing the same exzact thing and it cost $$$$$.