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 Following my own advice!

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Following my own advice!  Empty
PostSubject: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/29/2010, 2:48 pm

Rushing around today i did a waterchange on the angel fry tank and when I looked at the tank 20 min later I lost around 60 angel fry!! I forgot to condition the water with Prime!!!!!!!!!Following my own advice!  196631 Following my own advice!  196631 Following my own advice!  196631 Following my own advice!  196631 Following my own advice!  196631 Following my own advice!  196631 poop poop poop poop poop mad im stupid Oh well they will be breeding again soon. I just hate it when I make such a stupid mistake. I preach patience and didn't follow my own advice. GGRRRRR
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PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/29/2010, 3:02 pm

Ouch! So sry to hear that. I too fall victim to such feats from time to time.
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PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/29/2010, 6:00 pm

That sucks!!!! But I too have had those moments.

Out here in redneckvilla the one thing I can say for city water is that the quality is the same year round, haven't added anything to water now in quite sometime other than when deciding to hatch a spawn myself. Been here for over 7 years, stopped the whole testing tap water thing a few years back since it was literally only a .0001 difference up or down from week to week.
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Following my own advice!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/29/2010, 7:09 pm


Ya I did that once, lost 17 F1 red top lawandas, it hurts!
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Posts : 5845
Location : New Iberia, Louisiana
Favorite Fish: : Cichlids, WC Syn Petricola, Shellies, Festae, Mbu Puffers, Koi Angels, ABN, Piranha, Mermaids

Following my own advice!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/29/2010, 8:22 pm

dang that really sukz... prime prime prime... prime it always..
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Chief Wrnt. Off. 2
Chief Wrnt. Off. 2

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PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/29/2010, 9:17 pm

Vixon I guess I can be honest too!!! When I move here last December from San Antonio... I set up 75 fish tanks in my garage! I treated/conditioned all the water in the tanks (I thought) and was ready for the fish. So I contacted Rare Dave out of San Antonio and he flew (SouthWest airlines) all of my fish to me. I had left them in his care at his fish store. The fish arrived that afternoon. I drove down to the airport and got them. I got home floated them and released them 30 minutes later. The next morning 6 tanks (All the fish) were dead.... all on the same row. Nothing else in the entire garage was dead. Then I replayed it in my head and the water level was getting close to the top in one of the larger tanks so I stopped adding prime and ran over to move the hose. I forgot to go back and put prime in that row I had left. So I lost several colonies of fry. I was able to reestablish the fish from fry I gave to others before I moved here. Anyway it took several days to get over that.... That's the next to the worst idiot mistake I've made in the fish hobby!!! I'm too embarrased to tell the other one!
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Following my own advice!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/29/2010, 10:06 pm

OUCH! 2 all 3 of you!
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Following my own advice!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/30/2010, 5:04 am

Oh come on Jb what's #1!!!! Curiosity kills me. This was by far my biggest blunder! In the 60's everything was a guessing game so tons of mistakes were made including buying an electric catfish with no information to be found on it. Can anyone say death wish and not for the fish!
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Posts : 5845
Location : New Iberia, Louisiana
Favorite Fish: : Cichlids, WC Syn Petricola, Shellies, Festae, Mbu Puffers, Koi Angels, ABN, Piranha, Mermaids

Following my own advice!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/30/2010, 6:05 am

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Following my own advice!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime12/30/2010, 6:34 am

cleaned out the tank this morning and found 3 gold fry made it are doing well. They were hiding in a plant.
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PostSubject: Re: Following my own advice!    Following my own advice!  Icon_minitime

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